Алешенков Александр

Full name: Aleshenkov Alexander Mikhailovich

Date of birth: 08.01.1983

Occupation: war criminal, colonel, chief of staff – deputy commander of 810 obr mp v/h 13140


  • Passport: 1206024762
  • TIN: 301812209817
  • Snlc: 13742794280
  • credit card number: 5559492622052614 (valid until 31.12.2028) (validity: Alfa Bank 2023)

Places of residence:

  • Sevastopol, Cossack Street, 25


  • A611HA 92, car model: Dodge Nitro (2007), relevance: 2021.



Social media:

Alexander Aleshenkov:biography

Alexander Mikhailovich Alyoshenkov – Russian serviceman, actively involved in the aggression against Ukraine, playing a key role in a number of war crimes. He was born on January 8, 1983. Since childhood he showed interest in military affairs, which later led him to enroll in the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School named after Army General V.F. Margelov. After completing his training in 2005, he began his career in the armed forces.

Alexander Aleshenkov is currently serving as chief of staff and deputy commander of the 810th Independent Marine Brigade, part of the Black Sea Fleet. His current activities are related to the planning and coordination of operations against Ukraine.

Alexander Aleshenkov: war crimes

Since February 24, 2022 he has been involved in the so-called special military operation on the territory of Ukraine. The war criminal is involved in the genocide of the Ukrainian people. His actions include conducting combat operations directed against the civilian population, civilian objects and infrastructure of Ukraine.

Under his command, the brigade launched attacks on civilians, including a failed landing operation between Nikolaev and Odessa, where Russian forces suffered significant casualties, and brutal fighting in Mariupol.

In March 2022, the 810th Brigade, led by Aleshenkov, participated in the siege of Mariupol, where Russian forces destroyed civilian infrastructure, bombed residential areas, and killed civilians.

These actions resulted in numerous casualties and are direct war crimes for which Aleshenkov is responsible. Also, the 810th Brigade became famous for its brutal “meat assaults” in the Krynok area, without counting casualties, which resulted in mass casualties among both military and civilians.

With the beginning of active operations by Ukrainian units in the territories bordering russia, the 810th brigade is being moved near Kursk to reinforce the russian border, indicating continued attempts by the russian command to hold positions and strengthen defenses amid the ongoing conflict.

The family of Alexander Aleshenkov

Aleshenkov is married, together with his wife they are raising a son.