Full name: Avdeev Alexander Vasilyevich

Date of birth: December 7, 1958

Address: Ukraine, Yenakievo Donetsk region.


– a former deputy of the Yenakiieve City Council of the Donetsk Region from the Party of Regions;

– Head of the Yenakievo city organization of the Trade Union of Healthcare Workers under the “dnr”;

– traitor to the motherland, collaborator


Alexander Avdeev, an accomplice of the “Putin regime,” was born on December 7, 1958, in Yenakievo, Donetsk region. He received his higher education at the Donetsk National Medical University. Gorky sanitary-hygienic faculty, specialty doctor-hygienist-epidemiologist.

After graduation from the Institute, he was assigned to the Odessa region, where he worked as a sanitary doctor for municipal hygiene and labor in the district SES. Since 1986, he worked in the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a pro-medical doctor in the correctional labor colonies of the Donetsk region.

In 2000, Avdeev was appointed chief physician of the Yenakievo Health Center. Doctor of the highest category.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

When the Russian invasion of Donetsk and Luhansk regions began in 2014, Alexander Avdeev proved to be a state traitor and took an active part in the May referendum of the “Donetsk people’s republic,” as well as participating in the election campaign for the “DnR”head.

The collaborator Avdeev was also given a position of specialization by the occupiers and was appointed chairman of the Committee on Health, Maternity and Childhood Protection. Aleksandr Vasilievich also “chairs the republican committee of the DnR Health Workers Trade Union.

For treason and cooperation with the occupation authorities, the traitor Aleksandr Vasilievich Avdeev will have to answer to the tribunal. Such traitors and collaborators deserve harsh and just punishment.