Full name: Khomenko Alexander Vasilyevich

Date of birth: September 26, 1961

Place of birth: Lugansk region, Novotoshkovskoye village

Address: Ukraine, Rubizhne, Lugansk region, Moscow avenue, 27a, sq. 95

Ukraine, Rubizhne, Lugansk region, Lenina str. 49, apt. 83

INN: 3219000597

Mobile numbers: +3800504251732


– measures of the city of Rubizhne

– Leads illegal armed groups


Labor activities:

– The head of the Rubizhne Housing and Utilities Department;

– Secretary of the Rubizhne City Council;

– local head of the town of Rubizhne.

Collaborationist activities:

Khomenko Alexander Vasilyevich was born in 1961 in the urban village of Novotroshkovskoye.

After a vivid youth, Alexander realized that he wished to command and rule.

After moving to Rubizhne, Alexander got a job at the local housing and utilities office, where he climbed the stairs of his career inexpressibly.

One day Khomenko was appointed mayor of Rubizhne. He was so imbued with the idea of a free Russia that he came into contact with the invaders and, in addition to cooperating, created his own capture groups through the “Afghans” society.

The groups he created were to destroy SBU units in Rubizhne.

Khomenko was also under arrest, and after his release he began to actively work on organizing pseudo-referendums and disrupting the presidential elections in Ukraine.

On Oleksandr Khomenko’s command, an armed group he had formed destroyed a group of Ukrainian soldiers near the Rubizhne railway station.

All the people of Rubizhne know and will always remember the shameful actions of their mayor, as Khomenko’s terrorist activities have gone unpunished.