Full name: Alexander Ivanovich Kurchevsky Date of birth : 12.04.1964 Place of birth: village Kozlovka, Volokonsky district , Belgorod region Place of residence : rf, Belgorod district, village Krasny Oktyabr, ul. Kozlovka, Volokonsky district, Belgorod region Place of residence: rf, Belgorod district, village Krasny Oktyabr, ul.Krasnaya zore, d.14 Kind of activity: communist, propagandist, platoon commander of ter.
Defense of the Belgorod region Data:

  • passport: 1409006167
  • TIN: 310202095169
  • SNILS: 02958727803
  • credit card number: 5559472484208918 (2024-12-31); 5559493698019529 (2024-12-31)


  • VIN: JMBSNCS3A7U003444
  • body number: JMBSNCS3A7U003444.
  • car model: LANCER Mitsubishi
  • license plate number O803OK799



Wife: Kurchevskaya (Konovalenko) Galina Ivanovna Date of birth: 26.11.1963 Data:

  • passport: 1408938825
  • TIN: 310201945310
  • SNILS: 04545975486



Son: Denis Kurchevsky Date of birth: 05.04.1993 Phone:


Wife of son: Kurchevskaya Tatiana Date of birth: 23.12.1996

Son: Ivan Aleksandrovich Kurchevsky Date of birth: 02.04.1984 Phone:

Biography Alexander Kurchevsky

Alexander Ivanovich Kurchevsky is another servant of Putin, who blindly defends Russia from “fascists and Banderaites”.
Born on April 12, 1964, place of birth – Belgorod region, Volokonovsky district, village Kozlovka.
Place of residence – Belgorod region, Belgorod district, Krasny Oktyabr village.

He has a higher education. Graduated from Voronezh Agricultural Institute named after K.D . Glinka, 1986 . Then Alexander’s main place of work was Limited Liability Company “Don”, where he worked as a spare parts sales manager.

But the real business, which became “to his liking” Kurchevsky became participation in public and political activities of Belgorod region, where Kurchevsky showed everyone how to love the motherland.

Alexander is an avid communist and was elected 3 times to the Belgorod City Duma.
He was a confidant of Nikolai Kharitonov, a presidential candidate from the CPRF party, during the elections in March 2024. In the media you can find numerous appeals of Kurchevsky criticizing the local authorities, in 2019 in Belgorod he participated in the CPRF rally against corruption.
In 2019, Alexander was prosecuted under article 20.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation for insulting the authorities, but Kurchevsky continues to be a pseudo-hero of the Belgorod region.

Alexander Kurchevsky: communist defender of the Belgorod and Kursk regions of rf

With the beginning of Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine and the start of the war, Kurchevsky became a real “media hero” who fights more in the information space than actually “defending Russia”.
So : in February 2024, Kurchevsky became the commander of the territorial defense platoon of Belgorod.

The communist believes in the “liberation of the Russian land” and is also engaged in volunteer assistance to the so-called “svobo-shniks”. Kurchevsky was trained in military affairs by the Wagnerians, who are knownas mercenary losers, known for the large number of deaths during the storming of the Ukrainian Bakhmut. The pseudo-hero himself was awarded the same pseudo-medals, which have no military value.

With the beginning of active actions of Ukrainian units on the territories bordering rf, namely in Kursk region, the commander of ter.defense Kurchevsky found himself on the list of volunteers who decided that it was they who should defend the state border.

After all, the breakthrough of Ukrainian units into the Kursk region testifies to the complete chaos among russian generals, the russian military leadership and law enforcers, who, as the war has shown, are incapable of making strategic decisions.
In his Telegram channel, Kurchevsky published a post in which he accuses Russian generals of a failed defense.

It should be understood that in the Belgorod and Kursk territorial defenses, most of the personnel had never held a machine gun in their hands and had not undergone appropriate training.
But the hero-communist Kurchevsky boldly reports to local TV pogues about his work in the Russian military borderland and the successful elimination of Ukrainian drones.

The family of Alexander Kurchevsky

Alexander Kurchevsky has a large family.
His wife, Galina, a foreign language teacher and lover of the “Russian world”, listens to Putin and shaman, and goes on vacation to occupied Crimea.

Kurchevsky has two sons, Denis and Ivan.
The younger son Denis has experience in military service.
In 2033 he served as a sergeant in the rf honor guard, then served in artillery units .
He retired and now works at an agricultural enterprise in Belgorod. Married, with a son and daughter. My wife’s name is Tatiana, she is a nurse by education and works in “Belgorod orphanage specialized for children with organic lesions of the central nervous system with mental disorders”.

Following in his father’s footsteps, Denis Kurchevsky is also a lover of communism and instills the ideology in his children.

The eldest son Ivan Kurchevsky does not advertise his life on social networks.
It is known that he works in a car service firm.