Lawyer, thug and traitor Alexander Aleksandrovich Tkach was born on April 26, 1995 in the Kherson city of Tsyurupinsk. Tkach spent his childhood in his hometown, and he studied at Tsyurupinsk School No. 2. Being born in the ’90s influenced the mentality of Tkach, who on social media clearly considers himself a fan of the so-called “AUE” culture, simply put, “gopota.
After graduating from high school, Tkach does not go to college, but to the Kherson College of Economics and Law, due to poor performance in school. However, he managed to finish college in 2015 and get a secondary vocational education.
After attending college, Alexander realized that he did not like life “according to the rules” and while still in college in 2014, he joined the local police department as a UAZOR officer. However, the former “kid” had a negligent attitude toward the service and was regularly reprimanded, but since there were few people willing to serve in the police force and there was no one to replace him, they got used to Tkach and stopped “educating” him, assigning him to do stupid paperwork so as not to interfere.
With the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and the entry of Russian occupation forces into the city, Tkach did not offer resistance, but instead converted and became the so-called “an employee of the occupation police of the Russian Federation in the city of Kherson. The Russian handlers appointed him to the regional center for a reason, but in order to strengthen the terror and fight against the Ukrainian Resistance. The weaver, on the other hand, is willing to maim and kidnap his fellow citizens for money, security and privilege, fully deserving his new title of “policeman” which was given to him by his Russian “masters.
Anyway, Tkach doesn’t know the main thing, that traitors don’t live long, because after “using” them, the Russian handlers will quickly kill him and bury him in a field. The Kherson partisans also keep up with the occupiers, who exterminate traitors, especially such petty traitors as “Politsai” Alexander Tkach.
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