The “polizei” in the service of the Russian occupants, Bubnov Alexei Petrovich, aka Buba, aka Major, was born July 25, 1979 in the city of Anthracite, Luhansk region. Bubnov would spend most of his life in this city, starting at the school desk and ending at the local police station. By the way, even in his school years, Alexei decided that he would become a law enforcement officer.
Upon graduation from school, Alexei Bubnov enters a specialized university of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. After graduation, Alexei returns to Anthracite and gets a job as a criminal investigator in the city department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Soon after his appointment, he becomes head of the sector.
With the beginning of the tragic events of 2014 in Ukraine and the creation of pro-Russian quasi-republics, the so-called “DPR” and “LPR,” Bubnov betrayed Ukraine and defected to the separatists. By the way, the latter did not leave him in debt and appointed him the so-called “chief of police in Anthracite. For his “high” moral and business qualities, Alexei Bubnov was appointed to the position of the so-called “.The “head of the Department for Combating Extremism and Organized Crime of the LNR Interior Ministry” and is awarded the title of the so-called “police colonel. After the Russian invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, 2022, Alexei was transferred from his “bread” post to Stanytsia Luhanska to head the so-called “the occupation police of the city.”
Alexei Bubnov faces fair and cruel retribution for breaking the oath and his vile betrayal.
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