Full name: Sakhnin Alexei Viktorovich

Date of birth: November 16, 1981

Email: [email protected]

Phones: +79164018401, +79850267008

Address of residence: Moscow, Tekstilshchikov 8th St., 3a, office 20, room 1.

Position: columnist, coordinator of the Left Front.


Terrorist Activities:

The future columnist Alexei Viktorovich Sakhnin was born November 16, 1981 in the city of Moscow.

Graduated from the history department, defended his dissertation – about the main heroes of Russian political history, the Bolsheviks. Since 2005 he was one of the founders and coordinators of the Left Front.

After May 6, 2012, the adventure began and he was forced to go to Sweden, where he received political asylum. He continued to write articles and books, changing jobs from a researcher at the university to a sailor on a ship.

In Sweden he made a kind of “career”: from “agent of the West” he became “agent of Putin. In 2019, he returned to Russia after the case was dismissed after the statute of limitations expired.

With the beginning of Russian aggression against Ukraine, he was drafted, after which he fled with his tail between his legs. On October 26, 2022 it became known that Sakhnin and Andrey Rudoy (Herald of the Storm) found political asylum in France. Since 2014, Alexei Sakhnin has participated in campaigns to discredit the Ukrainian revolution, also calling it both nationalist and neoliberal.