Full name: Kozub Andrei Valentinovich

Date of birth: January 12, 1974

Address: Ukraine, Kovsharovka village, Kupyanka district, Kharkiv region, ul. Svetlaya 29, sq.48

INN: 2704000593

Passport: ЕС567297

Phone: +380675737163, +380953862589

Email: kupkomen@mail.ru


-deputy mayor of Kupyansk;

-head of the headquarters of the housing and communal services of the occupation administration of the Kharkiv region;

-An accomplice of the occupiers, a collaborator.

Collaborator Kozub Andrei Valentinovich was born January 12, 1974 in Sumy.

He is a politician and head of state-owned enterprises, as well as a figure in many corruption scandals. For a long time until September 2016, Kozub was the director of LLC “Managing Company “Komenergo Kupyansk.

In July 2017, the Antimonopoly Committee fined this firm 68,000 hryvnias and sent it to a “ban on bidding” for three years for contractual schemes with the Kupyanskiye teplovye seti.

Kozub is also a member of the executive committee of the Kupyansk City Council. He ran on behalf of the pro-Russian political party “opzj”. Since 2017, the traitor Kozub has served as deputy head of the Kupyansk City Council.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation in February 2022, MP Andriy Kozub chose the side of a collaborator and collaborator of the occupation authorities instead of defending his state and people.

In June 2022, the Russian occupiers appointed deputy Kupyansk city mayor Andrei Kozub “head of the headquarters for the preparation of housing, utilities and social facilities for the heating period” in all temporarily occupied territories of the Kharkiv region.

But in addition to the position he received from the occupiers, Andrei Kozub organized and coordinated the work of accommodation and catering for the Russian Armed Forces. The sneaky collaborator provided the fighters with information about the best routes for the movement of Russian Federation equipment through local settlements.

Together with the mayor of Kupyansk, Gennady Matsegora, who willingly agreed to work for the occupiers, Kozuba agreed to work under the direction of the occupation administration and carried out criminal instructions to provide the necessary support to the Russian Federation.

The traitor Kozub Andrei Valentinovich will have to answer to the people for his service for the Russian occupiers. A place on the bench is already waiting for the collaborator.