Full name: Nizhnik Andrey Igorevich

Date of birth: February 03, 1996

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk region, Starobelsk district, Belovodsk, ul. Torosyan, 118.


– an employee of the postal company Nova Posta;

– “Polizei,” a.k.a. “employee of the Bilovodsk District Department of Internal Affairs of the LNR Ministry of Internal Affairs;

– A traitor, an accomplice of the Russian occupation troops;



Nizhnik Andrey Igorevich – “politsai” and supporter of the Russian occupation troops, was born on February 3, 1999 in the village of Belovodsk , Lugansk region.

Until February 24, 2022 Andrei lived in Belovodsk and worked as an employee of the postal company “Novaya Pochta. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Luhansk region by Russian occupants, Nizhnik voluntarily became a traitor to Ukraine and a “policeman” in the service of the invaders.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the Russian occupation forces began their temporary occupation of Belovodsk, Andrei decided to break the oath and betray his native country. The occupiers were happy about the new “addition” and sent Nizhnik as an “employee” in the so-called “Belovodskoye ROVD of the LNR Interior Ministry.

“Politsay” Nizhnik was directly involved in committing atrocities against the civilians of Belovodsk. In particular, he participated in “filtration activities” against the city’s population, kidnapping and torturing innocent people. Andrei did not shy away from looting the private property of the “detained” civilians of the village.

Andrei Nizhnik’s misdeeds will not go unpunished, and he himself expects an inevitable and severe punishment, which is approaching him every day closer and closer.