Full name: Andrei Yulievich Sinorenko

Date of birth: 10.12.1966

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, Kamensko-Dneprovsky district, village Novovodovanoye, Chkalova street, 25.

Passport: CA 232782

Driver’s license:RRV 148880

Контакты: +380661042948,+380612870890,



– Gauleiter of the village of Novovodyanoye;

– director of public utilities under the occupiers;

– traitor, collaborator



Sinorenko Andrey Yulievich – a pseudo-officer at pseudo-government, which for the sake of “Putin” betrayed his native country was born on December 10, 1966 in the village Novovodyanoye Kamensko-Dneprovsky district of Zaporozhye region. In 1986 he graduated from Zaporizhzhya Metallurgical Technical School. Then he received his higher education at
Tavrichesky State Agrotechnological University (formerly MIMSH).
Married. There is a daughter – Sinorenko Julia Andreevna, 14.02.1991 and a son – Sinorenko Sava Andreevich, 09.09.1999.

He worked at enterprises and farms in the cultivation and marketing of agricultural products. Sinorenko also had experience participating in odistrict election commissions for the election of people’s deputies of Ukraine of single-mandate election district No. 79 of Vasilievsky district.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Sinorenko has long shown his commitment to the “Russian world” and as early as the beginning of the illegal invasion of the Russian occupation troops on the territory of Ukraine in 2022. Pseudo-authorities of Zaporizhzhya region position Andrey Yulievich as a “professional manager of the municipal sphere”.

As the full-scale invasion began, Sinorenko decided to serve the “Russian masters”. Thus, the occupants appointed Sinorenok to the post of gauleiter of Novovodavodynoye village. Then the traitor Sinorenko received “new dispositive functions” from the Rashists and began to “be in charge” of communal matters.

He took the position of “Director of the Utility Enterprise” of the village enterprise“Velikobelozersk Utility Enterprise” .

The collaborator is involved in the preparation of housing and social facilities under the occupation authorities. The traitor actively participates in all activities organized by the occupiers.

For betrayal of the Motherland and violation of the legislation of Ukraine, the collaborator Sinorenk Andrey Yulievich will have to answer to the court. After all, for such unlawful actions-punishment is inevitable.