
Full name: Dushko Anna Vladimirovna

Date of birth: 31.10.1976

Address: Ukraine, Lugansk

Contact: +380955000245


– a preschool employee;

– accomplice “
Russian peace

– participant of the pseudo-referendum



Dushko Anna Vladimirovna – traitor and collaborator, who now brainwashes children with “Russian world“, was born and lives in the city of Lugansk. She was fond of needlework, organized exhibitions for children.

Dushko Anna also held the position of a preschool teacher. But after the start of the full-scale invasion of the Luhansk region by Russian invaders, it began to establish communication with the local occupation authorities.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

The woman voluntarily defected to the side of the enemy and began organizing various events, including campaigning in support of “Russian peace“. Also, in anticipation of the referendum on Luhansk Oblast joining the Russian Federation in September 2022, the collaborator intensified her desire to serve the occupants.

Although even before the outbreak of full-scale war Anna Vladimirovna supported the occupation regime and quietly went on courses and vacations in the temporarily occupied Crimea. She visited the museum of the Russian Black Sea Fleet and was eagerly photographed with Russian symbols.

On the eve of the psephdoreferendum, the rashist accomplice was actively demonstrating on propaganda channels real people’s love and support for russia. In the local public boards, the collaborator urged residents to repaint Ukrainian symbols with the tricolor.

Thus, Dushko supports the occupation and provides necessary assistance to the occupation authorities and promotes propaganda, including by organizing and holding events in favor of the aggressor country. In social networks he conducts anti-Ukrainian activities and supports the pseudo-government of “Lnr”.

Dushko Anna Vladimirovna was on the list of despicable traitors of Ukraine and collaborators. The woman will be justly punished for her complicity with the Russian enemy. After all, for betraying her homeland, she will certainly have to answer both to the law and to the people.