
Full name: Anna Alexandrovna Lazareva

Date of birth: 06.04.1982

Place of residence: rf, Rostov-on-Don, Druzhbyba Lane, 14a.

Passport of a citizen of rf: 6021,#151372

INN: 616523502626


– an accomplice of the Russian occupation troops;

– the spreader of Russian propaganda;

– candidate for thePeople’s Council of LnRfrom the political party “Fair Russia-Patriots for Truth“;

– collaborator


The accomplice of the Rashist regime in Ukraine, traitor to the Motherland – Anna Alexandrovna Lazareva was born in the city of Lugansk. Never officially employed, she worked at home as a manicurist and makeup artist before the war.

With the beginning of the invasion of the Russian invaders, Anna Lazareva turned out to be a traitor and accomplice of the “Russian world“. After all, back in 2014, the woman was happy about the Russian government and showed her pro-Russian views and supported the creation of “independent republics of lnr and dnr“.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

After the beginning of thefull-scaleinvasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, the accomplice of the occupants spreads provocative publications in social networks to discredit the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Lazareva is also known for spreading Russian propaganda and anti-Ukrainian narratives.

The collaborator supports the Russian Federation’s aggression against Ukraine. He actively puts forward ideas of political-territorial organization of Ukraine, and advocates the unification of “brotherly nations”.

The collaborator also managed to distinguish herself in social and political activities. After all, in July 2023, Anna Alexandrovna registered her candidacy from the “local branch of the socialist political party ‘Fair Russia-Patriots-for Truth in Lnr‘” for the rashist elections to the so-called “People’s Council of Lnr“.

Anna Lazareva, an accomplice of the occupiers, will be justly punished for supporting the actions of the aggressor state. She will certainly answer to the law for her pro-Russian stance.