Full name: Anton Pavlovich Vlasenko

Date of Birth: 27.04.1982


  • former head of the Kherson Regional Court under the occupiers;
  • an accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator;

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, г. Genichesk, 66, Kovalenko Brothers str.


  • TIN: 910704145194

Anton Vlasenko: biography

Anton Pavlovich Vlasenko is a state traitor who believed in the “Russian world” and “liberators”, was born on April 27, 1982 in Crimea. After February 24, 2022 Anton supported the occupation actions of russia towards Ukraine.
Thus, Anton voluntarily began to cooperate closely with the occupiers after the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, particularly in the Kherson region.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

Having violated the oath of a judge and the legislation of Ukraine, after the annexation of Crimea by Russia, he went to serve the occupation authorities as a judge.
On this occasion, the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine launched criminal proceedings against him under Article 111, Part 1. Anton Vlasenko began to voluntarily “work” for the enemy.
The occupiers quickly assessed the “abilities” of the new “popoloneniye” and appointed him as the so-called “head of the Kherson regional court”.

The collaborator deliberately, by his own convictions and staunch pro-Russian views, went over to the side of the enemy. Such activity can be regarded as an attempt on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, defection to the enemy under martial law and during an armed conflict, voluntary occupation of a position in the occupation structures, cooperation with the Russian occupiers and similar actions.

Having considered all these facts, we can conclude that Vlasenko is an accomplice of Russian war criminals and occupants and an accomplice of the crimes of the Russian authorities against Ukraine and its citizens.

Sooner or later, there is a reckoning for every atrocity. And Anton Vlasenko will not escape just retribution for the crimes committed against the Ukrainian people.