Full name: Drobot Artyom Vladimirovich

Date of birth: January 5, 1974

Passport: VS 732014

INN: 2703311871

Address: Ukraine, Mariupol, Donetsk region, str.26-Kvartal,3, kv.4.

Phone: +380962727890


– cameraman of TV-7 channel in Mariupol;

– cameraman and director of a television channel under the occupation authorities;

– traitor, collaborator


Journalist-traitor Artyom Drobot was born on January 5, 1974, in the city of Mariupol, Donetsk region. He has a higher education. In 2001, Artem graduated from the Kiev University of Culture and Arts with a degree in TV and documentary directing.

In 2009, Drobot began his career on the STB channel as a director. He directed many TV shows as well as movies.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Donetsk region by Russian occupation troops in 2022, Artyom Drobot distinguished himself with his pro-Russian views and support for the occupation regime. The traitor voluntarily defected to the Russian occupiers and began working for a TV channel created by the occupation authorities.

The collaborator works as a videographer for propaganda news stories, filming interviews with local residents about the destruction in the city by the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

For betraying his state and working on the enemy’s information front, collaborator Artyom Drobotov will face trial and fair punishment for working for the enemy.