Full name: Yevseev Artem Germanovich

Date of birth: May 19, 1987

Address: Russia, Samara region, Syzran, 329 Marshala Zhukova str. 24;

Passport: 3607781092

Cell phone: +79149143721, +79107090908

Email: [email protected]

Military rank: Captain

Place of service: 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment, v/h 33310 (Kaluga Region, Shaikovka settlement).

Occupation: war criminal, terrorist, member of the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment


Wife: Evseeva (Naab Kristina)

Contacts: +79140092347

Daughter: Yevseeva Daria Artemovna


Skoda Kodiaq (number: O195NM40, vin: XW8LJ2NS1KH400738);

Brief Biography

Yevseev Artem Germanovich – war criminal, captain, presumably fueling planes in the military unit 33310. He is serving in the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment, which is based in the village of Shaikovka. The serviceman comes from the Samara region, Syzran.

Artyom Yevseyev’s War Crimes

It was Captain Artyom Yevseyev, as a member of the military unit 33310, who was involved inthe shelling ofthe Amstor shopping center on June 27, 2022 in the city of Kremenchug.

Also, the name of Artem Germanovich became known to the world after the terrorist attack on January 14, 2023 on an apartment building in Dnepr. At least 35 civilians were killed in the rocket attack, including a 15-year-old girl, and about 80 others were wounded.

The executor of Putin’s “bloody orders,” Captain Artyom Gennadyevich Yevseev, will answer for his egregious crimes against Ukraine and its people. The terrorist Alekseev has many civilian lives on his conscience. Remember, they are already looking for you and will punish you to the fullest for all your crimes!