Full name: Falco (Sleepy) Ekaterina Yurievna

Date of birth: June 18, 1983

INN: 3048402024

Address: Ukraine, Melitopol, Zaporozhye region, Yaroslav the Wise street, 1, sq.63

Phone: +380979777180


– head of the legal support department of the Melitopol City Executive Committee;

– head of the department of public utilities under the occupation authorities;

– The lawyer of the pseudo-referendum in Melitopol;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator.

The state prisoner Falko Ekaterina Yurievna was born on June 18, 1983 in the city of Melitopol, Zaporozhye region.

The traitor is an employee of the state administrative structures in Melitopol. Falco recently served as head of the legal support department of the Melitopol City Executive Committee.

After the full-scale invasion of Zaporizhzhia region by Russian invaders, traitor Kateryna Falko got a job in the occupation structures of the Russian government’s accomplices in Melitopol.

Katerina Yurievna was helped in this “employment” by the husband of the collaborator, Alexander Falko, known for his financial machinations in favor of the occupiers. After all, the traitor is now the head of the department of public utilities under the occupation authorities and serves as almost the chief financial auditor of the city, controlling the flow of money coming from the population for the payment of utility bills.

The treasonous woman is also directly related to the pseudo-referendum on the annexation of Zaporizhzhia Region to the Russian Federation. The woman provided legal services to the occupation authorities, namely the leaders of the “electoral process” among the occupation authorities.

For betrayal of the state and collaborationist activities, the traitor Falko Ekaterina Yurievna will answer according to all her merits. And the punishment for the traitor will come very soon.