Full name: Zaretsky Daniel Eduardovich

Date of birth: July 17, 2002

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk


– correspondent under the occupation authorities;

– Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupation troops


Zaretsky Daniel Eduardovich – accomplice of “Putin’s regime” was born on June 17, 2002 in the city of Donetsk.

Until February 24, 2022, Daniel Eduardovich studied at one of the universities in Donetsk and did not support the actions of Russia against Ukraine, but after the beginning of a full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops, Zaretsky began to engage in complicity with the enemy and collaborationism.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the arrival of the occupiers, the young man began to actively support the ideology of the “Russianworld and promoted and contributes to the activities of the occupiers on the territory of Ukraine.

While in Donetsk, Daniel Zaretsky consciously and by his own convictions and staunch pro-Russian views switched to the side of the enemy and took the position of correspondent of the so-called “first republican television channel dnr. As a journalist, the collaborator is engaged in propaganda forthe “Russian world” and agitation.

The pseudo-journalist Zaretskyy now works closely with the occupation authorities and provides information support for the activities of the occupation administration in the city of Donetsk.

By helping the occupiers, the collaborator Daniil Zaretsky signed his own sentence. And for treason and aiding and abetting the enemy, he faces imminent punishment and a fair time behind bars.