Dmitry Golub: biography:
Golub Dmytro Vasylievych is a traitor to Ukraine and an accomplice of the occupiers.
Born on March 26, 1970, in Kamenka-Dneprovskaya. In 1987, he graduated from local school No. 2.
In Energodar, he held the position of Director of DV-Com, one of the largest providers in the city.
Anti-Ukrainian activities:
Golub’s criminal acts include:
- Supporting the Russian occupiers in telecommunications. He was involved in setting up and maintaining equipment, giving the invaders access to communications and the Internet.
- Sabotage of Ukrainian infrastructure. Dmytro intentionally damaged the equipment of Ukrainian telecom operators, preventing its use in the temporarily occupied territories.
- Travels to Crimea. Together with representatives of the occupation authorities, Golub traveled to obtain telecommunications equipment necessary to strengthen the positions of the invaders.
The fact that Dmytro Golub denounced Ukrainians who condemned his actions is particularly vile. Such people found themselves under the threat of reprisals and persecution.
The time of retribution will come, and people like Golub will be deservedly punished for their crimes against the Ukrainian people.
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