Full name: Luzhetsky Dmitriy Yanovich

Date of birth: March 13, 1986

Place of birth: Kirovograd

Place of residence: Ternopil, 1 Beryozovaya str.

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine: MS 914964

Identification number: 3148317698

Driver’s license: КІА498844 issued on November 16, 2005.

Personal vehicle: silver Toyota Camry

License plate: X127RK 799

Mobile number: +380976399084

Occupation: engages in anti-Ukrainian activities


Collaborationist activities:

From an early age he defended his right to be Russian. In 2014, he was directly involved in supporting anti-Maidan actions. After the events of Euromaidan, he and his brother went to live in Moscow, where he began cooperating with representatives of the special services of the FSB of the Russian Federation.

He repeatedly organized pro-Russian rallies, where he discredited the top military and political leadership of Ukraine.

After returning to Ukraine, he recruited mercenaries to serve in the illegal armed formations of the so-called “DnR. He was in charge of supplying the so called. The combat units of the People’s Militia of the “DnR”.

He asserted that the Russian-speaking population in Ukraine has always been subjected to ethnocide on ethnic grounds, and also believes that all Russian-speakers have been discriminated against within national minorities.

Supports the current large-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine.