Full name: Dmitry Vasilkov

Date of birth: May 03, 1972

Place of birth: Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Sevastopol. Sevastopol

Places of residence:

Crimean Autonomous Republic, Simferopol. Simferopol

  • ul. Gresovskaya 26, sq. 25;
  • ul. Leningradskaya, 6;
  • ul. Leningradskaya 36, apt. 49.

Crimea, Yalta, st. Bespalova 79A/65, kv. 47;

Passport of a citizen of Ukraine: ЕС753828

Identification number: 2642120335

Military rank: Colonel

Personal number of a serviceman of Ukraine: A037024

Mobile numbers: 79787715954, 79788576206, 79781151499

Occupation: Collaborator, officer of the department of the FSB in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol

Service record:

13.08.199927.08.1999 – was at the disposal of the Main Department of the SBU in Crimea;

27.08.199924.05.2002 – Detective of the 2nd direction of the Department for the Protection of National Statehood of the SBU Main Department in Crimea;

May 24, 2002April 15, 2003 – Senior Operative Officer of the 2nd direction of the Department of Protection of National Statehood of the SBU Main Department in Crimea;

15.04.200312.03.2004 – Acting Head of the 2nd direction of the Department of Protection of National Statehood of the SBU Main Department in Crimea;

12.03.200406.09.2007 – Head of the 2nd direction of the Department of Protection of National Statehood and Counterintelligence Activities to combat terrorism of the SBU Main Department in the Crimea;

06.09.200721.02.2009 – Head of the 2nd sector of the protection of national statehood department of the SBU Main Department in Crimea;

2009 – dealt with the deportation of Russian politician Konstantin Zatulin from Crimea;

21.02.200916.08.2011 – Deputy Head of the Department of Protection of National Statehood of the SBU Main Department in Crimea;

2011 – deported the first and only president of Crimea Yuri Meshkov;

03.11.2013 – 25.04.2014 – was at the disposal of the Main Department of the SBU in Crimea;


  • a serviceman of the SBU Main Directorate in Crimea;
  • Head of the main department for the protection of national statehood of the SBU Main Directorate in Crimea;

The transition to the side of the rf:

2014 – service in the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation;

2015– Directorate of the Federal Security Service in the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol, Head of the 4th Division of the Federal Security Service in Sevastopol and the Republic of Crimea;

2017 – officer of the active reserve of the Crimean Federal University named after V.V. Lomonosov. Vernadsky;

2019 – an employee of the Crimean Federal University named after V.V. Lomonosov. Vernadsky;

2021 – Deputy General Director of the State Unitary Administration of the Republic of Crimea “Voda Krym” on safety issues;

2022 – member of the public association “Russian Black Sea Region”, “Slavic Union”.

For a long period of time he was in contact with representatives of the Russian Federal Security Service. Even before the beginning of the “Crimean spring,” he spread information about the activities carried out by the counterintelligence units of the Main Department of Protection of National Statehood of the SBU in Crimea. Transmitted personal data on SBU employees in Crimea to the FSB of the Russian Federation.

He was a member of the extremist public association Slavic Union.

He was in contact with the so called. The head of the Republic of Crimea, Sergei Aksyonov, provided him with classified information regarding personal data of the top leadership of the SBU in Crimea, including the conduct of classified operations.

He was directly involved in the investigative measures to persecute, detain and torture Ukrainian writer and filmmaker Oleg Sentsov.

He was engaged in the persecution of Ukrainian citizens who were in Crimea during the Russian occupation. He was engaged in falsification of documents for the production of criminal cases concerning the Crimean Tatar people, among whom was the Crimean Tatar politician Chiygoz Akhtem Zeytullayovich.