Full name: Malyk Eduard Eduardovich

Date of birth: April 1, 1995

Passport: 4615987913

Place of service: 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment, v/h 33310 (Kaluga Region, Shaykovka settlement).

Occupation: military pilot, terrorist, member of the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment


Malyk/Rudneva Oksana Alekseevna – wife, has a common child

Date of birth: September 10, 1996


[email protected]

TGid: 998450712

Malyk Eduard – father, former aviator, lieutenant colonel, probably retired

Date of birth:

Malyk/Miller Elena – mother

Date of birth: February 05, 1971

Lyubov Rudneva – mother-in-law

Date of birth: February 12, 1975

The information about war criminals is taken from an investigation by the OSINT community:

Brief Biography

Russian soldier terrorist Malyk Eduard Eduardovich – pilot, a member of the crews of Tu-22M3 bombers that destroy Ukrainian cities, was born on April 01, 1995.

Like other soldiers involved in terrorist acts in the Ukrainian cities of Kremenchug and Dnipro, Eduard Malyk serves in the 52nd Bombardment Aviation Regiment in the unit 33310, whose permanent deployment point is located in the village of Shaikovka.

War Crimes of Dmitry Pankin

The military aviator terrorist Malyk is one of 44 people involved in terrorist attacks on peaceful Ukrainian cities. Executing Putin’s “bloody orders,” Eduard Eduardovich was responsible for the implementation and execution of a massive missile attack by the Russian Federation against Ukraine on the holiday day of January 14, 2023.

The military pilot, or rather the criminal Malyk Eduard Eduardovich, was responsible for the terrorist attack on Dnieper, with more than 40 dead and more than 80 wounded civilians.

Malykov, a soldier of the 52nd aviation regiment, like his comrades-in-arms, is a real terrorist who deserves only prison and the harshest punishment. Everyone responsible for the rocket attack on the apartment building in Dnepr will be severely punished for his bloody orders!