Full name: Evgeny Nikolaevich Potseluev

Date of birth: 16.06.1980

Place of registration: Kaluga Oblast, Kirov district, Shaykovka, b. 9, sq. 16.

Occupation.: war criminal, terrorist, pilot of the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment


– passport: 2902491361

– TIN: 402302372320

– Driver’s license: 40OO159296

Personal vehicle: Ford Focus (number: O060KS40, vin: X9F4XXEED47D70906), Volkswagen Polo (number: C806PH190, vin: XW8ZZZ61ZCG040551), Volkswagen Passat (number: K825VC40);


Wife: Potselueva (Kochurova) Irina Sergeevna

Date of birth: 10.01.1982

Address: Kaluga Oblast, Kirov district, Shaykovka, b. 9, sq. 16.

He works as director of the “Jubilee” House of Culture.


Son: Potseluyev Kirilo Evgenyevich

Date of birth: 11.01.2002


Terrorist Activities:

Yevgeny Pokseluev – war criminal, pilot of the 52nd Guards Air Regiment, unit 33310 (Shaykovka, Kaluga Oblast)which are destroying Ukrainian cities. He was born June 16, 1980 in the village of Vyazovka, Saratov region.

It was Yevgeny and soldiers of military unit 33310 like him who were involved in the shelling of the shopping center and residential buildings with X-22 rockets. Innocent people continue to die in Ukraine because of Potseluev.

However, Eugene himself continues to live in a peaceful environment, raising a wonderful son who does not know what the sounds of explosions and gunfire are. It is not the children’s fault that their parents are bloody murderers.

The name of Yevgeny Potseluev became known to the world after a terrorist attack on a residential building in Dnepr on January 14, 2023. As a result of the missile attack was killed At least 21 civilians, including a 15-year-old girl, and about 80 other people were injured. By order of their commanders also was struck on the Amstor shopping center in Kremenchug on June 27, 2022.

Eugene is a real terrorist who deserves nothing more than to go to jail. We can only guess how many people we don’t know about were affected by the launch of rockets from just the button that Kisseluev pressed at just the right moment for him.