Full name: Krylasov Evgeny Igorevich

Date of birth: 14.08.1990

Passport: 2810054030

IPN: 695007865246

Address: Tver, ul. Sovetskaya 24, kv. 11.

Phone: +79105278430, +79105076221

Place of service: 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment, v/h 33310 (Kaluga Region, Shaykovka settlement).

Occupation: military pilot, terrorist, member of the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment



Igor Krylasov – father

Date of birth: May 29, 1964


Krylasova/Grigorieva Oksana – wife

Email: [email protected]

Elena Grigorieva – mother-in-law, works at the hospital

Brief Biography

Evgeny Krylasov is a war criminal, a serviceman of the Tu-22M3 bomber crews that are destroying Ukrainian cities. The terrorist was born on August 14, 1990, in Tver, Russian Federation.

Yevgeny Krylasov is serving in the 52nd Bomber Aviation Regiment, military unit 33310, which is permanently stationed in the village of Shaikovka.

War Crimes of Dmitry Pankin

The military aviator terrorist Krylasov is one of 44 people involved in terrorist attacks on peaceful cities in Ukraine. Executing Putin’s “bloody orders,” Yevgeny Igorevich was responsible for the implementation and execution of a massive missile attack by the Russian Federation on Ukraine on the holiday of January 14, 2023.

Due to the fault of the military pilot, or rather the criminal Krylasov Yevgeny Igorevich, a terrorist attack was carried out on the city of Dnieper with more than 40 dead and more than 80 wounded civilians.

A member of the 52nd Aviation Regiment, like his fellow soldiers, is a true terrorist who deserves nothing more than prison and the harshest punishment. Everyone responsible for the rocket attack on the apartment building in Dnepr will be severely punished for his bloody orders!