Postnikova Yevgeniya Yurievna – traitor and collaborator, was born and lived all her life in the city of Genichesk, Kherson region.
Postnikova is an employee of the preschool institution in her native locality, she was the head of Semihat preschool education institution “Kapitoshka” of Genicheskiy city council.
After the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian invaders into the territory of the Kherson region, she began to establish communication with the local occupation authorities.
Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:
The accomplice of the Rashists took the position of the head of the mentioned kindergarten only under the occupation troops, re-registered the institution under Russian legislation. Introduced a program to prepare children for school according to the Russian curriculum and standards.
The woman also began organizing various events, including campaigning for “Russian peace“. Also on the eve of the referendum on the annexation of the Kherson region to the Russian Federation in September 2022, the collaborator intensified her desire to serve the occupants.
The woman actively demonstrated on rf propaganda channels real people’s love and support for rf. Among other educators, Eugenia Yurievna encouraged residents to repaint Ukrainian symbols in the tricolor.
Thus, the collaborator provided organizational assistance to the occupants in conducting propaganda activities during the illegal referendum.
Yevgeniya Yurievna Postnikova, an employee of a pre-school institution, was on the list of treasonous traitors and collaborators of Ukraine. A just punishment awaits the woman for her complicity with the Russian enemy. After all, she will certainly have to answer to the law and to the people for betraying her homeland.

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