Full name: Okhrimenko Evgeny Yurievich Date of birth : 21.06.1978 Place of birth: rf,:OmskActivity: war criminal, since June 2024 – commander of 69 motorized rifle divisionLocation ofresidence :

  • Primorsky Territory, Pogranichny District, Sergeevka village, DOS, 425, sq. 4
  • Primorsky Territory, Pogranichny District, Sergeyevka village, DOS, 333, sq. 35
  • Amur region, Seryshchevo settlement, Chapaeva street, 1, sq. 51
  • с. Zlokazovo, Vokzalnaya street, 55, sq. 4
  • г. Moscow, ul. 3-ya Tverskaya-Yamskaya, 12, sq. 10
  • г. Moscow, Kastanaevskaya str., 41/2, sq. 52


  • Passport: series 0503 No. 705456 (issued on 05.03.2004 by the Pogranichny District Department of Internal Affairs of Primorsky Krai)
  • TIN: 282401837967
  • personal number: U-268234

Transportation: Toyota Mark 2 (EX250932) Phone:

Father: Okhrimenko Yuri Alekseevich Date of birth: 17.10.1954Phone:


  • passport: 1009128474 TIN: 2824002225


Sister: Oksana Yurievna Okhrimenko (Nazarova) Date of birth: 11.05.1985 Phone:


  • passport: 1007033974 TIN: 282401835568 SNILS: 14718343065

Sister’s husband: Dmitry Aleksandrovich Nazarov Date of birth: 07.04.1983 Phone:


Son: Okhrimenko Arseniy Evgenyevich Date of birth: 06.09.2002 Phone:



  • passport: 7516883436 TIN: 282402292963 SNILS: 16738179712

Yevhen Okhrimenko: biography

Yevgeny Yurievich Okhrimenko is a Russian serviceman, commander of units that are actively participating in the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Russian aggression against Ukraine.. Born on January 26, 1978. in the Russian city of Omsk.Evgeny’s father is a career military man, served in military units of the Far Eastern Military District, so the family often moved. In 1995, Okhrimenko Jr. graduated from school N 2 in the settlement of Seryshevo in the Amur region,

Since childhood, he has shown an interest in the military, which later led him to serve in the army.
In 1995, he began his career in the armed forces of the russian Federation by completing compulsory military service.

In 2016, Okhrimenko graduated from the All-Russian Military Academy of the Armed Forces, a military training and research center of the Ground Forces. He served in the motorized infantry troops of the Central Military District.
Served as deputy commander
of the 90th Armored Division, which is based in Yekaterinburg.

Okhrimenko has held senior staff positions, including chief of staff of the 201st Russian military base in Tajikistan in 2020. The base includes motorized rifle, tank, artillery, reconnaissance, air defense, CBRN and communications units.

Almost all the personnel of the military unit have experience of participation in Putin’s terrorist operations in Syria and in the armed aggression against Ukraine.

Prior to the full-scale war of the Russian Federation against Ukraine, Okhrimenko served in the military base in the military unit 01162 as chief of staff – first deputy commander.
Okhrimenko is also a participant of the so-called“special military operation” and actively conducts military-political work with schoolchildren, brainwashing them with pseudo-patriotism.

Yevhen Okhrimenko: War Crimes

Yevhen Okhrimenko took part in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine as chief of staff – deputy military commandant of the “dnr”.
Rashist is involved in committing war crimes against civilians in Donetsk Region. The war criminal received “regalia” in the form of madalas and letters from the local pseudo-government.

Since June 2024, Okhrimenko has been in charge of the 69th Motorized Rifle Division, part of the 6th Combined Arms Army of the Western Military District as commander and with the rank of colonel.

Units of this division have been participating in the armed invasion of Ukraine by russia since 2022.
The media have repeatedly reported on the colossal losses suffered by these units.
For example, the fighters of the 138th motorized rifle brigade, which is part of the 69th msd, suffered the heaviest losses in 2024 during the offensive in the border areas of Kharkiv region, namely in the battles for Kupyansk and Sinkivka.

In addition, 138 Omsbr was stationed on the border of Kursk Oblast and suffered losses during a breakthrough of Rashist defenses in early August 2024.
Many fighters of this unit, including conscripts, were killed and captured.
Responsibility for the failure of the defense and the use of conscripts in dangerous areas of the front lies with the entire command of the 69th MSD directly in the person of commander Yevgeny Okhrimenko.

The family of Eugene Okhrimenko

His mother, Galina Mikhailovna Okhrimenko, died in 2015.
Yevgeny’s father is Yuri Alekseevich Okhrimenko, a retired colonel, who previously held the position of the head of the federal state institution “Seryshevskaya apartment maintenance unit” of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
Eugene also has a sister, Oksana, who successfully married Dmitry Nazarov, a member of the LDPR faction in the Council of the Seryshevsky Municipality and an active Z-patriot who travels to temporarily occupied Donetsk with humanitarian aid demonstrations.

Together with his wife they bring up their 22-year-old son Arseny, who gives himself out as a man of creativity and far from the army life.