Full Name: Evgeny Mikhailovich Zhulidov

Date of birth: 14.07.1998

Place of birth: г. Dushanbe, Tajikistan

Occupation: Founder and chief admin of Telegram channel “Archangels of Spetsnaz”, terrorist, propagandist

Places of residence:

  • г. Vladimir, Stroiteley Ave. 44B, sq. 54
  • г. Vladimir, Lakina str., 171B, kv. 53
  • Moscow region, Odintsovsky district, Nikolino settlement, 335.


  • passport: 1718647192
  • TIN: 332898705572



Social media:

Mother: Zhulidova (Bort) Lyudmila Gennadyevna

Date of birth: 17.09.1970



Social media:

Biography of Evgeny Zhulidov

Evgeny Zhulidov was born on July 14, 1998 in Dushanbe. As a child he moved to Vladimir with his mother. He graduated from a local aviation mechanic college.

Professionally practiced Army hand-to-hand combat (ARB) and competed in tournaments. He also actively participated in the local military-patriotic club “Peresvet”, where he learned parachute jumping and shooting.

At the same time, Zhulidov was engaged in gaming, running a popular YouTube channel dedicated to the game WarFace and several thematic communities on VKontakte. Since his teenage years, he has had a passion for filming and editing videos on sports, military and gamer themes. Started making money from creating “sales” videos.

Actively maintained several social media pages at once, posing as different people. Uses the pseudonyms Eugene Korolevsky, Eugene Borzovsky, Egor Kotov, Maxim Kalinin, Andrei Rybakov and others. In 2017.
got caught up in a scandal involving an assault on an ex-girlfriend.
in the center of the city of Vladimir. Engaged in a personal botfarm to tilt public opinion in his favor.

In his social networks he repeatedly indicated that he worships Satan, called Adolf Hitler his idol, and also published Nazi comments and pictures. Yevgeny Zhulidov sharply criticized the Russian authorities, and especially the deputies, for corruption, noting that it is because of it that he “does not like” his country very much.

Despite this, after graduating from college in 2017, he went to serve. In his social networks he indicated that he started his higher education at the Moscow Border Institute of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation, allegedly planning to graduate in 2023. At the same time in 2020
Zhulidov participated in the preparations for the parade
for the 90th anniversary of the Airborne Forces.

As of
as of 2021, Evgeny Zhulidov was trained in
on a part-time basis at Stoletov Vladimir State University. Regularly was in the races in memory of combat veterans. In the fall of the same year.
posted videos on his Telegram channel wearing a military uniform.
posing as a special forces fighter.

Evgeny Zhulidov: war crimes

From the first day of rf’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, he was engaged in informational support of “svoy”. He published on his Telegram channel summaries of military operations, mostly disinformation, intimidation of Ukrainian military and their families, footage of executions of prisoners of war and the like.

He widely covered the Gostomel operation of the Russian Airborne Forces, in which the 45th Special Purpose Brigade, in which Evgeny Zhulidov himself serves, played a key role. He was engaged in creating a myth about “Gostomel bogatyrs”, using footage from the scene of events, which he was given by his coworkers.

In the first
interview with Project WarGonzo
where Zhulidov acted as one of the admins of the channel “Archangel of Spetsnaz”, called himself a participant of the “Gostomel landing”. He was confused in his testimony, claiming that he was part of a ground column that had moved out to support the airborne troops.


However, no confirmation of his participation in these events could be found. At the same time, it is worth noting that during the first months of the invasion, the Archangel Spetsnaz channel was very active, mostly publishing content stolen from other channels and Russian IPSO. There certainly wouldn’t be enough time for his administrator to fight.

The first footage that confirms that Yevhen Zhulidov is in Ukraine is dated late spring. He started his “fighting way” with the battles for Popasnaya. At the same time, he was not directly involved in the fighting. Engaged in artillery and ATGM adjustments, as well as aerial reconnaissance from drone and drops.

In his spare time, he “exposed” the families of Mariupol defenders, publishing their personal data and urging his subscribers to engage in information terrorism. Zhulidov also repeatedly called for killing prisoners and killing civilians, but later, when the concept of the channel changed, he deleted such publications.

Evgeny Zhulidov: propaganda

Apparently, the rebranding of Zhulidov’s personal channel into the Archangel Spetsnaz project took place on March 23, 2022. It is this day that he calls “the birthday of the channel”. Over the summer, the channel got additional admins, as well as special information warfare and propaganda tasks from the command.

In early September, the project “Archangel of Spetsnaz” began to be actively promoted through “IPB-friendly” networks of channels, controlled military correspondents and even federal channels. Judging by the dramatic increase in subscribers in just a few days – a significant number of bots were also purchased.

All this preparation, as it became clear later, was carried out under a special operation – information support of mobilization. It was the “Archangel of Spetsnaz” who became one of the main mouthpieces of Kremlin propaganda on the subject, calling those who opposed the war and mobilization “traitors” and urging “real men” to go to the military enlistment offices.

In the future, the Archangel of Spetsnaz was constantly practicing the agenda of the russian military and political leadership in moments of crisis. In return, Evgeny Zhulidov and his colleagues received promotions, awards and certificates, as well as the opportunity to dispose of millions of dollars in revenues from fees for the needs of the Russian Armed Forces.

At the moment, Zhulidov regularly creates propaganda videos and documentaries dedicated to the “heroes of the pov”. He never shows his face or gives his name. Subscribers know him by his call sign “Athlete.”

In addition to this work, Zhulidov continues to assist the Russian IPSO. Among other things, he was one of the first to start urging Ukrainian military personnel to surrender by going on a special radio frequency. Videos of interrogations and humiliation of captives also regularly appear on his channel.

Family of Evgeny Zhulidov

Mother – Zhulidova (Bort) Lyudmila Gennadyevna, born September 17, 1970. In 1987, she graduated from school No. 58 in Dushanbe. Served in the border guard troops, veteran of combat operations in Afghanistan. She received her higher education at the Dushanbe Pedagogical Institute.

Then she moved to the city of Vladimir, where she serves in the local OMON. Participates in the regional chapter “Fighting Brotherhood.” As of 2016, in the rank of Police Petty Officer
Zhulidova held the position
junior inspector for office management of the office of the OMON OMON of the Department of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Vladimir region.

In 2020.
was involved in a criminal case
about misappropriation of funds and corruption. However, in the end, Alfiya Mokshina, head of the Rosgvardia Department in the Vladimir region, ended up in the dock, while Zhulidova was given the status of a witness in exchange for the testimony needed by the investigation. In 2021.
unsuccessfully tried to sue
from the state for a service apartment for herself and her son.

Zhulidova is actively involved in the activities of the Archangel Spetsnaz project. She is a frequent guest of their Telegram chat room, calling for the execution of Ukrainian military, taking no prisoners and massacring pro-Ukrainian locals in the occupied territories.