Full name: Gennady Viktorovich Gostev Date of birth : 05.12.1972 Place of birth: rf, Voronezh region, village. VerkhnyayaKhavaActivity: war criminal, commander of tactical direction “Suja”, colonel.Data:

  • passport: 2017158697
  • TIN: 262408052676
  • SNILS: 13533455950

Place of residence:

  • rf, Voronezh, Moskovsky prospect, 104a, kv 84
  • rf, Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Prokhladnensky District, Prokhladny, Novoselskaya St., 30.




  • 2014 Lexus GX (U103KA136)
  • Volvo S60 2007 (A725UT26)

Wife: Olga Nikolaevna Gosteva (Stakhurlova)Date of birth: 11.01.1981Phone:



  • passport: 2004478240
  • SNILS: 04958298115

Place of residence:

  • г. Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt, v. 121/1, к. 3, sq. 55

Social media:

Son: Maxim Gennadyevich Gostev (according to documents appears as Maxim Evgenyevich Filimonov)Date of birth: 17.04.2000Phone:



  • passport: 8313204665
  • TIN: 370402834841
  • SNILS: 14516702043

Son: Anton Gennadyevich GostevDate of birth: 03.07.2006Passport: 2019421624 Father: Victor Nikolayevich GostevDate of birth: 01.08.1951Passport: 2003167920

Gennady Gostev:biography

Gennady Viktorovich Gostev was born on December 05, 1972 in the village of Verkhnyaya Khava, Voronezh region.
He is a colonel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.
He has a higher military education.
In 2002 he graduated from the Moscow Combined Arms Academy.
He served from company commander to commander of a military unit.
He served in motorized infantry units of the Southern Military District. In 2006, Gostev served as commander of the 135th Motorized Rifle Regiment in 64201 (the regiment took part in two Chechen campaigns), stationed in Kabardino-Balkaria, Prokhladny.

Then Gostev was in charge of 205 separate motorized rifle brigade v/h 74821, which is stationed in Stavropol Krai, Budennovsk and is now taking part in the Russian-Ukrainian war on the territory of Zaporozhye and Kherson regions.

Gennady Gostev: military career and participation in military conflicts

In addition to military service within the russian Federation, Gennady Gostev has experience in international conflicts.
He participated in military special operations supervised by the Kremlin: the Chechen war and the 2008 armed invasion of Georgia.
He personally supervised special operations when Russian equipment and militants entered the territory of the armed conflict.

Gennady Gostev became a figurehead in the Russian army’s failed offensive against the city of Tskhinvali.
After all, after an unsuccessful attempt to command the special operation, the 1st Battalion of the 135th Regiment, with which Colonel Gostev himself was attached, was defeated and then retreated altogether.

Then “unsuccessful colonel” failed to provide the personnel with communication, intelligence and proper training, for which he was “quietly” dismissed from the reserve.
Until November 2022, he was registered as an individual entrepreneur (IE), owning a car wash in the city of Voronezh.
The IE was closed at the end of 2022 by decision of the entrepreneur, because Gostev returned to military service with a direct relation to participation in the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Gennady Gostev: participation in the “special military operation in Kursk region”

Colonel Gostev was on the list of Russian servicemen responsible for guarding the state border.

With the beginning of active operations of Ukrainian units in the territories bordering the Russian Federation, namely in the Kursk region, Colonel Gostev was appointed commander of the new tactical direction “Suja”, which includes motorized rifle units of the 6th and 20th armies of the Russian Armed Forces.
It was in this direction that the Rashist defense failed.
Colonel Gostev played an important role in this.

Gennady Gostev’s family

Gennady Gostev is married.
His wife’s name is Olga.
Together they bring up two sons.
The older is called Maxim, and the younger – Anton.
There is little information about the family in the public domain.
The family carefully hides the data in social networks.