Full name: Bezdolny Igor Yuryevich

Date of birth: 10.06.1977

Place of birth: Ukraine, Crimean region, the city of Armyansk.

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, Nizhnie Serogozi village, 9, Nezalezhnosti str.

INN: 2828519377


– is a private entrepreneur, heads a chain of pharmacies, and is a former soccer player.

Collaborationist activities:

Former soccer star Bezdolny Igor was born on June 10, 1977. Bezdolny’s first adult team was Meliorator in 1994. Since 2000, Bezdolny played mainly for teams of the second league: “Dnipro-2”, “Dnipro-3”, “Titan”, “Zorya”, “Electrometallurg-NZF”, “Krymteplitsa”, “Zhitychi”, “Gornyak”, “Nikolaev” and “Crystal”.

Three times among the top scorers of the tournament, in the 2008/09 season he topped the list of scorers. That season, Igor Bezdolny, at the start of the spring part of the competition, scored seven goals in four rounds: one goal each for Shakhtar and Olimpik, two for Shakhtar-3 and three for Kremlin.

With the arrival of the occupation troops, Igor Yurievich agreed to cooperate with them and agreed to head the network from the sale of medicines. Thanks to their established contact with the occupiers, they covered up his activities. That’s how the former soccer player became a traitor to Ukraine.

Absolutely soon Igor Bezdolny will answer, both for his dirty money and for betraying his home state.