Full name: Igor Vyacheslavovich Chichkin

Date of Birth: 10.03.1972


  • head of the occupation Gvardeisky village council;
  • head of the occupation administration of the Gvardeyskoye Rural Settlement;
  • an accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator;

Address: Ukraine, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol district, Gvardeyskoye settlement, 63, Karla Marksa str.


  • TIN: 910912542700


The information on collaborators is taken from an OSINT community investigation:


Chichkin Igor Vyacheslavovich – a state traitor, who believed in the “Russian world” and “liberators”, was born on March 10, 1972 in Crimea.

After the invasion of the Russian invaders, Igor began to support anti-Ukrainian sentiments and became an accomplice of the Rashists himself.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

With the arrival of pseudo-governments and the occupation of Krim, the collaborator Chichkin. joined the occupation structures of the Russian Federation operating on the territory of the occupied Crimean peninsula and was appointed head of the occupation administration of the Gvardeyskoye Rural Settlement and head of the Gvardeyskoye Rural Council.

Now state treasonous Igor Chichkin provides direct assistance to the occupation structures and actively performs organizational and administrative functions on behalf of the occupation authorities.

Chichkin actively helps the occupation authorities to identify pro-Ukrainian residents of the Gvardeyskoye settlement, for which he regularly receives “rewards” from local police officers.

As part of his “cooperation” with the Russian invaders, Igor was actively engaged in pro-Russian agitation, in private conversations justified the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and expressed support for the “Russian world“.

For such traitors as Igor Chichkin should be applied the highest measure of restraint for high treason and complicity with the Russian occupants it will certainly come. It’s only a matter of time.