Full name: Lyzov Igor Viktorovich

Date of Birth: 26.12.1964


– head of the occupation administration of the Amvrosievsky district;

– an enabler of the “Russian world“, a collaborator.

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Amvrosiyivka, 24 Lenina str.


  • TIN: 614329389655


The information on collaborators is taken from an OSINT community investigation:


Lyzov Igor Viktorovich – a state traitor who believed in the “Russian world” and “liberators”, was born on December 26 , 1964.

After the invasion of the Russian occupiers, Igor began to support anti-Ukrainian sentiments and he himself became an accomplice of the Rashists..

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

After Russian occupation troops entered Donetsk region, Lyzov committed high treason and voluntarily went to “cooperate” with the Russian occupiers.

Now the collaborator has established “cooperation” with the occupation administration and holds the position of the head of the occupation administration of the Amvrosiyivskyi district of the so-called “Donetsk people’s republic”.

The collaborator deliberately, by his own convictions and staunch pro-Russian views, went over to the side of the enemy. Such activity can be regarded as an attempt on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state, defection to the enemy under martial law and during an armed conflict, voluntary occupation of a position in the occupation structures, cooperation with the Russian occupiers and similar actions.

Having considered all these facts we can conclude that Lyzov Igor Viktorovich is an accomplice of Russian war criminals and occupants and an accomplice of the crimes of the Russian authorities against Ukraine and its citizens.

For traitors like Igor Lyzov. The highest penalty for high treason and complicity with the Russian occupiers must be applied, and it will definitely come. It’s only a matter of time.