
Full Name:
Igor Perelygin

Ukraine, Zaporozhye region, Melitopol city.


– former head of the Melitopol Chess Federation;

– TheMinistry of Physical Culture and Sports of Zaporizhzhya VGA;

– traitor, collaborator of the Russian occupation troops


Perelygin Igor – a traitor to Ukraine and an active collaborator of the Russian occupation troops, was born in the city of Melitopol, Zaporozhye region.Since childhood he was professionally engaged in chess.

Until February 24, 2022, Andrei resided in Melitopol. With the beginning of thefull-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian occupiers, Perelygin betrayed his country and voluntarily began to “cooperate” with the Russian invaders in the field of youth and sports.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

As soon as the Russian occupation troops invaded the territory of Zaporizhzhya region, Igor committed high treason and voluntarily defected to the side of the Russian occupiers. Speaks at propaganda events organized by local gauleiters and representatives of Putin’s regime in the Kherson region.

Collaborator Perelygin participates in gatherings of “sports organizations”, discusses issues of sports and social character and rapprochement in this sphere with the rf. Also agitates children and teenagers to compete in competitions for “Russia” and support the policies of the aggressor country.

The traitor Perelygin is also actively engaged in “sports work” among civilians and young people, such as the organization of the so-called. “sports festivals” and chess tournaments under the auspices of the occupiers. However, soon Igor Perelygin will answer to the Ukrainian people for his crimes. A jail cell is already waiting for the collaborant.