Full name: Polyakov Igor Vladimirovich

Date of birth: July 12, 1974

Address: Kaluga region, Kirov district, the village. Shaikovka, home

Cell phone: +79208759138

Email: [email protected]

Military rank: Captain, serving in Shaikowka

Place of service: 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment, v/h 33310 (Kaluga Region, Shaikovka settlement).

Occupation: terrorist, member of the 52nd Guards Heavy Bomber Aviation Regiment



Polyakova Julia – wife, leading corporate events, lives in Shaykivka.

Brief Biography

Captain Igor Polyakov is a war criminal, a pilot of the 52nd Guards Air Regiment, unit 33310 (Kaluga Oblast, Shaikovka), one of the Russian terrorist soldiers who destroy Ukrainian infrastructure and bomb civilian houses.

Igor Polyakov is a graduate of the Serpukhov Military School and Bryansk State Technical University.

Military pilot, repeatedly participated in air parades. In particular, he participated in demonstration flights as a pilot-representative of the 52nd Aviation Regiment in one of theAviadartscompetitions.

War Crimes of Igor Polyakov

Igor Polyakov is a participant of the Russian “special military operation” in Ukraine. He is one of 44 Russian servicemen-terrorists from 52 Aviation Regiment involved in terrorist acts on the territory of Ukraine. Among other things, Captain Polyakov is responsible for the implementation of a massive missile attack by the Russian Federation against Ukraine on the holiday of January 14, 2023.

One of the terrorists’ missiles, an X-22, a long-range air-launched anti-ship cruise missile, hit a high-rise building in the city of Dnepr and as a result of the hit the entire entrance of the high-rise, from floors 2 to 9, collapsed with a large number of casualties among the civilian population.

The executor of Putin’s “bloody orders,” military pilot Igor Polyakov, will answer for his egregious crimes against Ukraine and its people. The terrorist has many civilian lives on his conscience. Remember, they are already looking for you and will punish you to the fullest for all your crimes!