Full name: Shelyag Igor Mikhailovich

Date of birth: September 28, 1992

Place of birth: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Blagodatnoe village.

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Blagodatnoe village, 6, Severnaya str.

INN: 3387406354


  • Worked at the mine “Yuzhnodonbasskaya № 3.

Collaborationist activities:

Shelyag Igor Mikhailovich was born September 28, 1992 in the village Blagodatnaya, Donetsk region.

For himself, Igor decided to stay in his native village and conquer it. Igor Mikhailovich worked at Yuzhnodonbasskaya No. 3 mine. After the arrival of the invaders, he began to cooperate with them. He tore the flag of Ukraine from the village administration. By his actions Igor disgraced not only himself but also his clan. He looted the village. Traitors like Igor Shelyag do not deserve to live in a peaceful society.

Sooner or later Igor will pay for his actions. And not with money, but with years of my own life.