Full name: Shveda Igor Igorevich

Date of birth: September 7, 1988

Passport: 4708 182651

INN: 511005424020

SNLS: 117-742-952 74

Place of birth: Severomorsk, Russia

Address: Russia, Murmansk region, Polarny, st. Sivko, 5, sq.27;

Personal vehicle: Nissan Teana, license plate number P685HK178

Phone: +79212176064, +79211843980

Occupation:Commanderof the submarine B-261 “Novorossiyskof the RussianBlack Sea Fleet .

Marital status:
Married, with a son.

Email: [email protected]

Education: V.M.I.M.E. A.S. Popova 10


Wife: Shveda Olga Mikhailovna

Date of birth: 09.11.1988

Passport: 4710 302782

INN: 511005878129

Mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Cell phone:


Wife’s contacts:

Father: Shveda Igor Pavlovich

Date of birth:: 24.04.1963

INN: 511005423851

Place of birth: Ukraine, Kiev.

Mail: [email protected]

Father’s contacts:

Mother: Shveda Larisa Nikolaevna

Date of birth: 24.04.1963

Cell phone: +79212857507

Mail: [email protected]

Mother’s contacts:

Terrorist Igor Shveda was born on September 7, 1988 in the city of Severomorsk. Served in the Russian Navy.

For himself, Igor decided to become a sailor. Shveda graduated from the Popov Naval Institute of Radioelectronics, after which he began working in his specialty.

As of October 13, 2022, Igor Shveda was the acting commander of the submarine B-261 Novorossiysk” Russian Black Sea Fleet.

Igor was involved in the genocide of civilians in independent Ukraine. Swedov was directly involved in the launching ofKalibr missiles at the Ukrainian population from the Mediterranean Sea.

After shelling civilians, Igor received an award from the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy.

Igor Shveda is a real bloody murderer who has turned innocent people’s homes to ashes by his orders.

The day before, on October 2, 2022, the submarine “Novorossiysk” carried out provocative actions off the coast of France, due to which the French Navy had to send the frigate Normandie to intercept and then escort the submarine “Novorossiysk” .

Igor’s wife is a private entrepreneur, and while her husband is out on long hauls sowing destruction and chaos, taking the lives of innocents. Olga Mikhailovna opened her own business selling items and clothing for children.

Accordingly, Olga supports her “defender” by expressing her pro-Russian views in her social networks.

However, Igor’s weak character has led him on the path of a bloody murderer, as money for him is dearer than human lives that can no longer be returned.

Igorevich will sooner or later be responsible for every missile fired toward Ukraine.