Full name: Sushko Igor Valentinovich

Date of birth: 09.08.1972

Passport: MO #382653

TIN: 2651908579.

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, Berislavsky district

Phone: +380986660519, +380666505763


– Lecturer at Novokakhovsky Instrument Engineering College until 24.02.2022;

– director of the technical school under the Rashist authorities of Novaya Kakhovka;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupation troops, a collaborator

State traitor who betrayed Ukraine – Sushko Ihor Valentynovich was born on August 09, 1972 in Novoraysk village, Berislav district, Kherson region, registered at the address: Kherson region, Nova Kakhovka, Bukin Nikolay str. 30, Apt. 57. Until February 24, 2022, Sushko worked as an instructor at Novokakhovsky Instrumentation College.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops on February 24, 2022, the traitor Sushko Igor voluntarily defected to the side of the occupiers. The occupants offered him the post of director of the above-mentioned institution and Sushko gladly accepted the offer from the Rashists, because the incomprehensible values of the“Russian world” and Russian rubles became dearer to the traitor than the inviolability of the country and peaceful skies.

The collaborator helped the “local administration” in the organization of public order and provided the college premises for Russian Armed Forces personnel.

Ihor Sushko also agitated students to help the occupying forces and assist in disseminating propaganda narratives among the youth of Novaya Kakhovka.

In addition, the occupier’s accomplice collected information about local residents who support the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine and have a negative attitude toward the military aggression of the Russian Federation. The collaborator passed data on these people to the representatives of the occupation authorities.

For cooperation with the Russian aggressor and betrayal of his homeland, the state traitor Sushko Igor Valentinovich is waiting for a fair time behind bars, which he certainly deserved for his despicable collaborationist activity.