Full name: Igor Zhitinsky

Date of birth: May 15, 1977

Address of residence: Ukraine, Donetsk, Artema Street 168b, kv.40.

INN: 2825906270

Passport: BB859614

Телефон: +380504736795,+380951183738

Email: [email protected], [email protected]


politician, deputy of the Donetsk



-Public figure;

-separatist writer;

-Communist, abettor of the “Russian world,” collaborator.


Igor Zhitinsky, a separatist and traitor, was born on May 15, 1977 in Norilsk, Russia. In 1992 he graduated from a secondary school № 45 in Donetsk and entered the Donetsk Polytechnic College, where he received a specialty “Installer of electrical equipment plants and civil works”.

The “Russian peace” accomplice also entered the Kharkov State Academy of Municipal Economy, from which he graduated in 2001.

Ever since he was young, Igor Zhitinsky became interested in politics. At the age of 16, Igor joined the Leninist Communist Union of Youth of Ukraine and was “the first Communist” in the technical school. In 1996, Zhitinsky, a young Komsomol member, was accepted into the Communist Party of Ukraine.

In 1998, residents of the Leninsky district elected a communist Zhitinsky deputy of the Donetsk City Council, where the deputy was elected deputy chairman of the Committee on Education, Culture, Sports and Youth. Since March 2006, he has been a deputy of the Donetsk Regional Council.

Igor Zhitinsky was also active in public life. He was the chairman of the public movement “People’s Patriotic Bloc Donbass.

Communist and pro-Russian views did not leave the political path of the traitor Zhitinsky.

In 2008, at a meeting of the Donetsk Regional Council, Zhitinsky I. Yu. “presented “a collection of materials of his own publishing house entitled Ukrainian Fascism. A View from Donbass”. Since that time, the state traitor has participated in a number of separatist meetings and forums promoting the separation of Donbass from Ukraine.

In 2010, A.I. Zhitinsky. published a collection entitled Ukrainian Nationalism and the Donbass, which was funded by the rf.

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops on February 24, 2022, the separatist Zhitinsky continues his anti-Ukrainian activities and sponsors the printing houses of the local occupation administrations.

For promoting the ideas of the “Russian world” and carrying out subversive activities against the statehood of Ukraine Zhitinsky Igor Yurievich will soon answer to the law and go to jail.