Full name: Babak Irina Aleksandrovna

Date of birth: October 13, 1963

Passport: VA 405894

INN: 2323511387

Address: Donetsk region, Mariupol, Stroiteley str.

Phone: +380983760530


-an employee of the social bodies of the Mariupol city administration;

-employee of social structures in the city of Mariupol under the occupation authorities;

-An accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator.

Babak Irina Aleksandrovna was born on October 13, 1963, in Mariupol, Donetsk Oblast. She graduated from Donetsk State University with a degree in Finance and Credit.

After graduation, the traitor worked for a long time in the Mariupol city administration. She was the chief specialist of the Citizen’s Affairs Department in the city administration.

For more than 20 years, until 2018 Irina Aleksandrovna was the head of the Department of Social Protection of the Mariupol City Council. From 2018 to 2021 she served as deputy director of the Department of Social Protection of the Mariupol City Council.

Iryna Babak, an employee of government agencies, actively expressed her support for the occupants and voluntarily defected to the side of the enemy at the beginning of thefull-scaleinvasion of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

Now the collaborator is an employee of the administrative structures of the Russian occupiers. Since April 2022, the traitor has been working in the “pension service of the dnr” and took a position as an employee of the social insurance department of the occupation administration of the Primorsky district of Mariupol.

The collaborator has yet to answer in court for her service for the Russian occupiers. For helping the enemy, Irina Babak will be held accountable to all the credit she deserves.