
Full name: Irina Nikolayevna Zamolotneva

Date of birth: 07.12.1977

Address: Ukraine, Kherson region, Genicheskiy district, Ivanovka village.


– an active collaborator with the Russian occupation authorities;

– a member of the “electoral commission” at the pseudo-referendum;

– organizer of the “unified voting day” in Ivanovka village, Genichesky district



Zamolotneva Irina Nikolaevna – organizer of fake elections on the territory of Kherson region, traitor to the Motherland and collaborator, was born in Genicheskiy district of Kherson region. She lived, worked and created a family in the village of Ivanovka, Genicheskiy district. In general, she always behaved like a law-abiding citizen of Ukraine. But, after the events of February 24, 2022 and the beginning of a full-scale invasion of the Russian occupation troops on the territory of Ukraine, the woman decided that she had been waiting for Russia all her life and, in fact, went over to the side of the Russian enemy.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

After the occupation of the village, the family of traitors actively cooperates with the occupants, they take part (as extras) in the events organized by the pseudo-government (rallies, concerts, subbotnik, etc.).

In September 2022, the traitor was directly involved in the processes of pseudo-referendum on the territory of Kherson region, because her family supports the annexation of the region to the rf.

Participation in pseudo-elections in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine:

Zamolotneva communicates closely with representatives of the occupation authorities and local pseudo officials. On the eve of the so-called “elections” the collaborator met with the “senator” from the Kherson region Konstantin Basiuk to discuss preparations for the fake elections.

Thus, the state treasonist was involved in the organizational direction of the formation of the so-called “precinct election commissions” and took part in various propaganda activities of the enemy, engaged in pro-Russian agitation among the residents of Ivanovka village. She was appointed by the occupants to chair “Ivanovo TEC No. 156, Ivanovo Municipal District”, in the building of school No. 2, Krupskaya St. 1, seized by the Rashists.

“On the single day of voting we are doing very well. Everything is calm at our place too. People are going in a mood. Everyone wants big changes. We were very much looking forward to our russia and we want us to continue to develop as a new subject in the rf,” shared collaborator Irina Zamolotneva.

For betraying the Motherland and “servicing” the interests of the occupants during the fakeelections in the occupied territories of Kherson region, the accomplice of the Russian invaders Zamolotneva Irina Nikolaevna and her family will be justly punished before the tribunal. Soon the state-smuggler will be held accountable for all her crimes against the people of Ukraine.