
Full name: Svetlov Ivan Sergeevich

Date of birth: February 19, 1980

Address: Ukraine, Kherson, Pokrishev Street, 8, p. 55.

Phone: +380997756345

Email: [email protected]


– a lawyer in Kherson;

– attorney at law according to the standards of the “rf ministry of Justice;

– traitor, collaborator



Svetlov Ivan Sergeyevich – a man who violated the laws of Ukraine and went over to the side of the enemy was born on February 19, 1980 in the city of Kherson. He has a law degree. For about 10 years, Ivan Sergeevich has been engaged in individual lawyer’s activities and has opened his own law office Svetlov and Partners.

From 2015 to 2020/ Svetlov served as a senior investigator for particularly important cases of the criminal investigation department of the Main Department of the State Fiscal Service in the Kherson region.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation on February 24, 2022, Ivan Sergeyevich defected to the occupation authorities and began to provide his legal services to the occupation authorities on the territory of the Kherson region.

Collaborator contributes to the activities of the russian military and openly supports the occupation of Ukraine by the russian armed forces.

Ivan Sergeevich voluntarily agreed to cooperate with the occupation authorities and continued to practice law under Russian law. He swore an oath to the aggressor country, thus betraying all Ukrainian state norms. I received a lawyer’s certificate number 12, and the data on the lawyer’s registration was entered in the Russian registry of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation under number 95/12.

Now the traitor Svetlov is an employee of the “Ministry of Justice” under the occupiers and is engaged in drawing up documents of local residents according to the legal standards of Russia.

Instead of being on the side of the law, the treasonous Ivan Svetlov sneakily violated it and betrayed his state, becoming an accomplice of the Russian occupiers. Soon the traitor will answer for this and end up in the dock himself, because that’s what he deserves.