Лариса Удовик

Full name: Udovik Larisa Anatolievna

Date of Birth: 28.10.1976


  • Head of the Finance Department of the Khartsyzsk Administration;
  • an accomplice of the Russian occupation authorities, a collaborator;

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Khartsyzsk, 87A Krasnoznamenskaya str.


  • TIN: 614014355772


The information on collaborators is taken from an OSINT community investigation:


Udovik Larisa Anatolievna – an accomplice of the Russian occupiers, who rejoiced at the establishment of “Russian peace” in Ukraine, was born on October 28, 1976 in the city of Khartsyzsk, Donetsk region. Prior to the war she resided in the above locality. She worked for an extended period of time in the local government of the district.

The woman turned out to be a pseudo-patriot who sold her honor to Putin’s regime by voluntarily defecting to the side of the aggressor country.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

After Russian occupation troops entered Donetsk region, Udovik committed high treason and voluntarily went to “cooperate” with the Russian occupiers.

Now the collaborator has established “cooperation” with the occupation administration and holds the position of the head of the finance department of the Khartsyzsk city administration.

State traitor Larisa Udovik provides direct assistance to the occupation structures and willingly performs organizational and administrative functions on behalf of the occupation authorities.

Larissa doesn’t forget also engage in whistle-blowing, even on your closest colleagues. The local “policemen” are very pleased to have found such a loyal “informant”, and her friends try to keep their mouths shut.

For serving for the occupiers Udovik LarisaAnatolievna awaits inevitable and severe punishment, which will come for her very soon. The accomplice of militants and terrorists will certainly answer to the law and end up in a prison cell herself.