Full name: Lyudmila Mikhailovna Vakulenko

Date of birth: 31.10.1960

Address: Ukraine, v. Kozachya Lopan, Dergachevsky district, Kharkov region, Chekhova str.

INN: 2221901069

Passport: MK405253

Phone: +380975982527, +380663646038

Driver’s license: BX261588



head of the local community in the village of Cossack Lopan;

Collaborator, collaborator of the Russian occupation authorities.


Ludmila Mikhailovna Vakulenko, a servant of the Russian occupants, was born on October 31, 1960 in the Chernigov region, Borznyansk district, village Paristovka. After finishing school Lyudmila Vakulenko went to study in Kharkov, where she graduated from the Kharkov University named after Gorky.

Later she moved with her family to the village of Kozacha Lopan, where she began her entrepreneurial activities and also began to build her political career.

In 2015, cheater Vakulenko L.M. became a member of the Dergachyov district political organization of the political party Blok Svetlichnaya “Vmeste“.

At the end of 2021, Lyudmila Vakulenko was elected head of the local government, namely the head of the local community of Cossack Lopan.

It would seem that Lyudmila Mikhailovna is a real example of a modern woman who managed to build a career and have a family. But the deputy lacked something in this life. So she decided to serve the Rascists.

After the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders, Lyudmila Vakulenko began actively assisting the occupation troops and the interim leadership in the village of Kozacha Lopan.

Nakhalka promotes the activities of the Russian military, supports the occupation of Ukraine by the Russian Armed Forces and the establishment of a regime under the control of the aggressor country in Ukraine.

In particular, Vakulenko L.M. The Rashist representatives are following the orders of the Rashist authorities and urge the inhabitants of Cossack Lopan not to resist the Orcs, but instead to help with accommodation and food.

Now the traitor Lyudmila Vakulenko performs the duties of the head of the village of Cossack Lopan represented by the occupation authorities.

Vakulenko Lyudmila Mikhailovna is a treasonous and despicable collaborator. She will definitely have to answer to her people for aiding and abetting the Russian occupiers. It’s only a matter of time.