Максим Обаринчук

Full name: Obarinchuk Maxim Vladimirovich

Date of Birth: 17.03.1988


– head of the occupation Zhuravlevsky rural council;

– head of the occupation administration of Zhuravlevsky rural settlement;

– an enabler of the “russian world“, a collaborator.

Address: Ukraine, AR Crimea, Simferopol district, Zhuravlevka village, 40, Mira str.


TIN: 910908780821

Maxim Obarinchuk: biography

Obarinchuk Maxim Vladimirovich – a state traitor who believed in the “Russian world” and “liberators”, was born on March 17, 1988 in the village of Razdolnoye, Razdolnensky district, Crimea.

He received secondary vocational education in Simferopol College of the National University of Food Technologies, where in 2007 he graduated from the specialty “Accounting” with the qualification of accountant. Later, he continued his studies at the Kazan Innovation University named after V.G. Timiryasov (IEUP) at the Faculty of Law, but did not complete it.

Obarinchuk began his career in 2011, taking a position as an inspector for subsidy processing at the Executive Committee of the Zhuravlyovka Village Council of the Simferopol District of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Within a few months, he moved to the position of an accountant in the same institution, and then returned to the work of an inspector on registration of subsidies, where he worked until the end of 2014.

After the invasion of the russian occupiers, Obarinchuk began to support anti-Ukrainian sentiments and himself became a an accomplice of the rashists.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

After russian occupation troops began their invasion of Ukraine, Obarinchuk committed high treason and voluntarily went to “cooperate” with the russian occupiers.

In 2015, he became an inspector of the military registration desk in the occupation administration of Zhuravlevka rural settlement. Then he continued his career as a leading specialist in construction, housing and utilities, land and property relations under the occupation administration.

At the moment, the collaborator has established “cooperation” with the occupation administration and holds the position of the so-called chairman of Zhuravlivka Village Council and head of the administration of Zhuravlivka Village Settlement, actively supporting the occupation authorities.

The collaborator consciously, by his own convictions and staunchly pro-russian views, defected to the side of the enemy. Such activities can be regarded as an attempt on the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state. Switching sides to the enemy under martial law and during the armed conflict, voluntarily taking a position in the occupation structures, cooperating with the Russian occupants and similar actions.

Having considered all these facts we can conclude that Maxim Obarinchuk is an accomplice of russian war criminals and occupants and an accomplice of the crimes of the russian authorities against Ukraine and its citizens.

For such traitors as Obarinchuk Maxim Vladimirovich should be applied capital punishment for high treason and complicity with the russian occupants it will certainly come. It’s just a matter of time.