Максим Пухов

Full Name: Maxim Olegovich Pukhov

Date of Birth: 06.01.1979


– first deputy head of Energodar ;

– accomplice “of the Russian world“an occupier, an agent of the Kremlin.

Address: Russia, Murmansk region, Polyarnye Zori, Nivsky avenue, b. 8, sq. 12


  • Passport: 4099 320527
  • TIN: 511701287561
  • Cnlc: 07904601872

Phone: 79216052799

Mail: [email protected]

Telegram: https://t.me/Pukhov_M



Maxim Pukhov: biography

Maksym Olehovich Pukhov is a representative of the occupation authorities, appointed to a senior position in occupied Energodar, Zaporizhzhya Oblast. Pukhov actively promotes the Russian regime, supports the occupation policy and implements the standards of “Russian peace” in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine.

Born on January 6, 1979 in Apatity, Murmansk region, Russia.

Graduated from St. Petersburg State Technical University in 2001.

Labor Activities:

– 2001-2013 – worked at Kola Nuclear Power Plant (branch of Rosenergoatom Concern OJSC), where he worked his way up from assistant foreman to head of the Support Systems Shop.

– 2010-2013 – Deputy of the Polar Zori City Council of Deputies.

– 2013-2024 – held the position of the Head of Polarnye Zori.


– Peter the Great Silver Medal “For Labor Valor”.

– Medal “For Merits in the Development of Rosenergoatom Concern” III degree.

– Jubilee medal “75 Years of the Russian Nuclear Industry”.

Maxim Pukhov was appointed first deputy head of Energodar in the occupation administration. His appointment was announced by the head of Energodar Eduard Senovoz in his Telegram channel on October 28, 2024.

Having become deputy mayor, Pukhov supervises Energodar’s public utilities and actively promotes the reorganization of the city’s structure according to the standards implemented by the Russian state corporation Rosatom, which occupies and operates the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

A representative of the occupation authority

Pukhov holds a high position in the illegal administration of Energodar and carries out the orders of the Russian occupants. He contributes to the imposition of a totalitarian regime and suppression of Ukrainian resistance in the temporarily occupied territory.

Pro-Russian propaganda

Under his leadership, Russian propaganda narratives are being implemented among the local population to legitimize the occupation and consolidate Kremlin control.

Violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine

Pukhov’s actions directly contribute to the annexation of territories, the destruction of local self-government and the integration of Ukrainian lands into the administrative system of the aggressor state.


As a representative of the occupation authorities and an accomplice of Russian aggression Maxim Pukhovis responsible for violations of international law and crimes against Ukraine. Its activities are aimed at destroying Ukrainian identity, destroying infrastructure and imposing Russian occupation power in the captured territories.

Betrayal and cooperation with the enemy will not go unpunished. Maxim Pukhov will definitely be held accountable for his actions against Ukraine.