
Full name: Gvozdikova (Shevchenko) Marina Valeryevna

Date of birth: February 26, 1993

Address: Ukraine,Kherson

– an accomplice of the Russian occupiers;

– an employee of the occupation administration;

– chief specialist of the “social department,” a collaborator



Gvozdikova Marina Valerievna, an accomplice of the “Putin regime” in Ukraine, was born in Kherson. She held a position in the Kherson Pension Fund.

Marina Valerievna worked as a specialist in the department of social protection in one of the districts of Kherson.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

After thefull-scaleinvasion of Ukraine by Russian invaders, the girl began actively assisting the occupation troops and the interim leadership in the Kherson region.

During the occupation, Marina Gvozdikova went to work as head of the occupation structure “department of organizational and informational work and electronic document flow” in the “department of labor and social policy” under the chairmanship of the gauleiter of the Kherson region.

Collaborator contributed to the activities of Russian Federation military personnel, supports the occupation of Ukraine by the Russian armed forces. The traitor held a position related to organizational and administrative functions in an illegal authority. Thus, the woman actively aided the Rascists and helped the occupation authorities “establish” the social sphere in the temporarily occupied territories of the Kherson region and advocated “Russian peace.

The collaborator will soon have to answer to the people for aiding and abetting the Russian occupiers. For the punishment for aiding the enemy is inevitable.