Marina Mikhailovna Kalashnikova is a traitor to Ukraine and an active supporter of the Russian occupation troops, she was born on January 17, 1980 in the village of Markovka, Luhansk region.
Marina lived in Markovka until February 24, 2022. She received her higher education at the Lugansk National Agrarian University. With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian invaders, Kalashnikova sneakily betrayed her people and voluntarily became a servant of the Russian invaders.
Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:
As soon as Russian occupation forces invaded Luhansk oblast, Marina committed high treason and voluntarily began “working” for the Russian occupiers. The latter appointed the traitor Kalashnikova as “chief specialist” in the so-called “Sector of reception of applications and documents of the department of monetary payments and compensations of Markov district administration of the LNR”.
While “working” in the so-called The “occupation administration,” Marina was known for her anti-Ukrainian statements. In particular, she publicly justifies the Russian invasion of Ukraine and supports the “Russian world. Since Kalashnikova volunteers her time with the so-called of the “occupation administration,” she is an accomplice to the crimes of the Russian invaders against the civilian population of Markovka.
Marina Kalashnikova faces a severe and inevitable punishmentwhich is getting closer and closer to her every day. A prison cell is already waiting for the collaborator.
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