Марина Мозговая

Full name: Marina Aleksandrovna Mozgovaya

Date of birth:21.06.1975


– the so-called head of the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of the administration of the city of Donetsk;

– abettor of the “Russian world, collaborator;

Address: Ukraine, Donetsk region, Donetsk, Chelyuskintsev street, 198B


  • TIN: 614332231026


Marina Mozgovaya: biography

Marina Aleksandrovna Mozgovaya is a traitor and collaborator who betrayed her country and believed in the future of the “Russian world“. She was born on June 21, 1975 and lived in Donetsk for a long time.

With the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian occupiers, the woman found herself among those traitors and accomplices of the occupation regime. In the first days of the war, she went over to the enemy side. She became a puppet in the hands of pro-Russian pseudo officials in the temporarily occupied territory of Donetsk region.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

Marina Mozgovaya took pro-Russian positions and voluntarily entered into cooperation with the occupation authorities. She became the head of the department of the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture of the Donetsk city administration of the so-called “dnr”.

As the head of the Department of Urban Planning and Architecture, Marina Mozgovaya is responsible for the implementation of construction projects that support the occupation regime in Donetsk. Her work is aimed at adapting the city’s infrastructure to the interests of the occupation authorities, which is part of the policy of “Russian peace” and undermining Ukraine’s independence.

In addition, Mozgovaya actively supports the actions of pro-Russian forces and Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Her participation in organizing and supporting the occupation administration in Donetsk makes her an accomplice and a criminal before the state of Ukraine.

She actively promotes the strengthening of the occupation regime and its integration into Russian structures, advocating the destruction of the territorial integrity of Ukraine.

Such activities of Mozgova are regarded as conscious betrayal of the Motherland, assistance to the occupants and actions aimed at undermining the territorial integrity of Ukraine. Her cooperation with the occupation structures during the armed conflict makes her actions criminal. She will have to answer before the law of Ukraine and its people for such betrayal.