
Full name: Poluban Marina Janoshevna

Date of birth: June 20, 1961

Address: Ukraine, Gorlovka, Donetsk region.


– Head of the Department of Education of Gorlovka until 2014;

– head of the education department of Horlivka under the occupation authorities;

– An accomplice of the Russian occupiers, a collaborator



Poluban Marina Yanoshevna is an employee of the occupation administration in the Donetsk region, born June 20, 1961 in the city of Gorlovka, Donetsk region.

Until 2014, Marina Yanoshevna was the head of the education department of Horlivka, Donetsk region of the Education Department of the Horlivka City Council. But as it turned out, for many years the government employee pretended to be a person who promoted Ukrainian, but in fact she harbored pro-Russian views.The woman was also involved in a high-profile corruption scandal.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

In 2017, the woman was caught on a bribe – collecting money from the city’s educational institutions and teaching staff. But she did not lose her position – the “head of administration” of Horlivka, Ivan Prikhodko, solved the problem with the security forces and kept Poluban in his position.

After the start of a full-scale invasion of Ukrainian territory by Russian occupants, Marina Janoshevna’s position was confirmed. The woman voluntarily agreed to cooperate with representatives of the racist authorities and began working in the education department of the occupation authorities in Horlivka.

Over 8 years of war, the traitor to Ukraine has turned into an ideologist of the “DnR” and Russia, continuing to manage the sphere of education, but with an orientation towardtheRussian world. On her orders, Ukrainian literature was withdrawn from schools in Gorlovka. “We do everything to ensure that our textbooks in libraries do not carry Ukrainian propaganda,” she declared.

Also, Marina Poluban in 2022 was responsible for illegally holding a referendum on the entry of the “DnR” into Russia and falsifying the results.

For aiding the occupying forces, aiding the enemy, and her pro-Russian stance, the collaborator Poluban Marina Yanoshevna faces imminent punishment, which will soon befall the traitor.