Full name: Golovin Maxim Sergeevich Date of birth : 21.06.1989 Place of birth: rf, Shelopuginsky r-n., ChitaRelatedactivities : war criminal,deputy commander of 69msd with military-political work, lieutenant colonel Place of residence :

  • rf, Shelopuginsky district, Chita, Stroiteley str. 15, sq. 38


  • passport: series 7603 No. 903842
  • TIN: 440227632192
  • SNILS: 20612270328



Wife: Golovina (Savchenko) Svetlana Ivanovna Date of birth: 16.04.1990 Place of birth: rf, St. Petersburg.

Mother: Golovina Elena Pavlovna Date of birth: 22.01.1965 Place of residence: rf., Chita city.

Biography Maxim Golovin

Maxim Golovin was born on June 21, 19839 in Zabaikalsky krai Russian Federation.
Chita city.
He has been on contract military service since September 2007.
He served in motorized rifle units in the positions of military and political work.
Since 2009 he has been in the officer position.

In 2020, he was deputy commander of the 138th Brigade for military-political work with the rank of Guards Captain.
He was in charge of promoting Russian propaganda and agitation, military-social, cultural and leisure work.

Loved the Soviet approach to training personnel.
He organized hazing and used physical and psychological violence.
Under the pretext of professionalism and sports festivals, he conducted irrational training of personnel and more than once brought his subordinates to the state of half-death.
Golovin himself calls this approach as “demanding professional qualities and physical training of fellow soldiers” and simply “a healthy lifestyle”.

In his free time from service, Golovin likes to arrange his own cultural and educational program in the form of “active recreation” in the circle of military friends with a colorful glade: shashlik and vodka.

Maxim Golovin’s war crimes

Since the end of 2023, Golovin has beendeputy commander of the 69MSD for military and political work. Units of this division have been participating in the armed invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation since 2022. The media have repeatedly reported on the colossal losses suffered by these units.
For example, the fighters of the 138 motorized rifle brigade, which is part of the 69th msd, suffered the heaviest losses in 2024 during the offensive in the border areas of Kharkiv region.

In addition, the 138 Omsbr was stationed on the border of Kursk Oblast and suffered losses during the breakthrough of Rashist defenses in early August 2024.
Many fighters of this unit, including conscripts, were killed and captured.
Responsibility for the failure of the defense and the use of conscripts in dangerous areas of the front lies with the entire command of the 69th MSD, including the deputy commander of the VPR – Maxim Golovin, who clearly fails in his duties to raise the morale of the personnel.

Maxim Golovin’s family

Golovin has a wife Svetlana and an 8-year-old son.
Previously, the family lived in Novosibirsk.
Maxim Golovin tries to hide his personal life and in social networks signs different nicknames, positioning himself as Svyatoslav Nikulin, and photos of his wife testify that the woman likes noisy companies and recreation in nightclubs.
His mother Elena Pavlovna works as a teacher in kindergarten No. 62 in Chita.