
Full name: Mikhail Igorevich Ostrikov

Address: Ukraine, Zaporizhzhya region, as well as Crimea, Sevastopol.


– a member of the Sevastopol Public Chamber;

– coordinator of the volunteer headquarters“We are together with Russia” Melitopol;

– a military volunteer, an accomplice of the so-called “sovi”.



An official in the temporarily occupied Crimea, as well as an accomplice of the occupation authorities in Zaporizhzhya region – Mykhailo Ostrikov was born on the territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. He worked in small businesses and had a love for Russia.

Mikhail has long shown his commitment to the “Russian world” since the beginning of the illegal invasion of the territory of Ukraine by Russian occupation troops in 2014 and the occupation of the peninsula. Pseudo-authorities in Crimea position Ostrikov as an official and manager of the municipal sphere.

Anti-Ukrainian and collaborationist activities:

With the beginning of the full-scale invasion of rf into ukraine, a collaborator ran for deputy Sevastopol elected a new member of the public chamber. Ostrikov was nominated by the autonomous non-profit organization “resource center for support of socially oriented non-profit organizations”. He was elected a member of the Public Chamber of Sevastopol. Then he took the position of chairman of the “commission on security, anti-corruption and interaction with law enforcement agencies”.

In addition to his main “position,” the traitor works as a humanitarian coordinator. Ostrikov actively cooperates with the occupation authorities in Zaporizhzhya region, as well as with the “dnr authorities“. He assisted the 131st regiment of the “People’s Militia of the Dnr” . He sent humanitarian aid to the “сво” zone, and also stayed in Mariupol during the “capture of Azovstal“.

The so-called coordinator of the volunteer headquarters of the Russian organization “Myvmeste” actively participates in activities on illegal passporting with Russian passports of residents of the occupied territories of Zaporizhzhya region. He keeps his own Telegram channel about “social welfare of the newly annexed territories“.

Mikhail Igorevich Ostrikov, a collaborator, will have to answer to the court for betraying the Motherland and violating the laws of Ukraine. After all, punishment is inevitable for such illegal actions against Ukraine and its people.