
Full Name:
Natalia Sergeevna Butorina

Date of Birth:

Ukraine,Zaporizhzhya region,Energodar city


– head of a trade union organization under the occupation authorities;

– t.nz head of the department at the rashist seized ZNPP;

– Collaborator, traitor to Ukraine.


Butorina Natalia Sergeevna – a girl who before the war tried to show patriotism and was a law-abiding citizen of Ukraine in the end betrayed her native country – Butorina Natalia Sergeevna, born November 12, 1990 in the village of Vodyanoye Kamensko-Dneprovsky district of Zaporozhye region. He has a technical background. She graduated from the Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Energy and Industry in 2013. After graduating from a higher educational institution, she was sent to work at the Zaporizhzhya Nuclear Power Plant.

After the beginning of the full-scale invasion of the Russian invaders into the territory of Zaporizhzhya region, the traitor voluntarily switched to cooperation with the occupants and began working in the administrative structures of the occupants.

Anti-Ukrainian activities:

During the occupation, she first assumed the position of head of the youth organization at the Zaporizhzhya nuclear power plant, where she reported to the Russian media on the “legality” of the plant’s operation and the employees’ contracts withRosatom, and coordinated the receipt of humanitarian aid from the Rashists.

In addition, the treasonous woman is directly related to the pseudo-referendum on the annexation of Zaporizhzhia Region to the Russian Federation. The collaborator cooperated with the occupation authorities and acted as a representative of the trade union organization of the Zaporozhye power plant. Collected documentation with voter lists for a pseudo-referendum.

In her pseudo-duty Butorina is engaged in organizing trade union work together with pseudo-activists of the captured ZNPP, participates in briefings with representatives of the occupation administration, makes reports and evaluates the work of the collective of “activists” under the leadership of the Rashists.

Also on the eve of the elections planned by the Rashists in September 2023 , the corrupt collaborator registered her candidacy from the political party “United Russia” for deputies of the first convocation of the Energodar City Council of Deputiesand has already managed to participate in the preliminary voting.

For betrayal of the state, violation of the laws of Ukraine and collaborationist activities, the traitor Butorina Natalia Sergeevna will answer on all merits. And the punishment will come very soon.